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Social Science Teaching (BS)

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History Bachelors BS

Variable Credit Min


Variable Credit Max


Major Academic Plan


Subject Matter

Learning Outcome

Candidates can identify the core concepts and standards associated with the social science curricula taught in secondary classrooms (subject areas: history political science geography psychology) and can create learning experiences that make these concepts meaningful for students.


Learner and Learning

Learning Outcome

Candidates can articulate how young people learn and develop acknowledging individual and cultural differences in order to create environments that motivatecollaborative learning.


Instructional Strategies

Learning Outcome

Candidates use a variety of instructional strategies to encourage students? development of critical thinking problem solving and performance skills and use assessments to inform instruction.


Professional Development

Learning Outcome

Candidates continually reflect on and evaluate their teaching practices actively seek opportunities to grow professionally engage in ethical behavior and collaborate with stakeholders (students parents and other professionals in the learning community).


Utah Effective Teaching Standards

Learning Outcome

Demonstrate basic competency in the Utah Effective Teaching Standards as established by Utah Teacher Education Assessment and Accreditation Council and the Utah State Board of Education

Program Requirements

Licensure: This program meets the educational requirements designed to lead to an occupationally required professional license or certificate in the state of Utah. Students pursuing occupations requiring a license or certificate in a state other than Utah should contact the appropriate BYU academic advisement center as well as the licensing agency in the state where they intend to work to seek information and guidance regarding licensure and certification requirements.

This major is designed to prepare students to teach in public schools. In order to graduate with this major, students are required to complete Utah State Office of Education licensing requirements. To view these requirements go to or contact the Education Advisement Center, 350 MCKB, 801-422-3426.

For students accepted into the major after December 16, 2019, grades below C in any required coursework in a teaching major or teaching minor will not be accepted. Teacher candidates must maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.7 or higher once admitted into the program and to qualify for student teaching. For additional details on admission and retention requirements for teaching majors and teaching minors, see Educator Preparation Program Requirements in the Undergraduate Catalog.

Requirement 1 — Complete 5 Course

Note: HIST 201, 202, 220, and 221 must be completed before taking HIST 477 and HIST 478. Note: Hist 220 and 221 must be completed as college/university courses and cannot be fulfilled with AP or other test scores.

course - World Civilization to 1500 3.0

course - World Civilization from 1500 3.0

course - U S Through 1877 3.0

course - U S Since 1877 3.0

course - Utah 3.0

Requirement 2 — Complete 1 Course

NOTE: Students are encouraged to take HIST 201, HIST 202, HIST 220, HIST 221 prior to enrollment in HIST 276. Note: FBI fingerprint and background clearance MUST be completed PRIOR to enrolling in HIST 276.

course - Exploration of Tchg-Soc Sci 4.0

Requirement 3 — Complete 1 Course

course - US Historical Literacies 3.0

course - Democratic Class Design 3.0

Requirement 4 — Complete 1 Course

Note: HIST 397 and HIST 399 cannot double-count toward Requirements 3 and 4. HIST 398 cannot double-count toward Requirements 4 and 12.1.

course - Fam & Law in Amer Hist 3.0

course - Intro to East Asian History 3.0

course - Intro to Hist of Christianity 3.0

course - Ancient Near East to 330 BC 3.0

course - Ancient Near East 330BC-640AD 3.0

course - M E Hist to 1800 3.0

course - M E Hist from 1800 3.0

course - Arab & Islamic Civilization - You may take once 1.0v

course - Jewish Civilization - You may take once 1.0v

course - Jewsh Hist 70AD-Pr 3.0

course - Greek History 3.0

course - Roman History 3.0

course - Europe 1500-Present 3.0

course - Con & Col Lat Amer 3.0

course - Modern Latin Amer 3.0

course - Rel. in Colonial Latin America 3.0

course - Early Africa 3.0

course - Modern Africa 3.0

course - Nature & History 3.0

course - Food & History 3.0

course - WW II in History & Memory 3.0

course - Latin Am Age of Revolution 3.0

course - Digital History 3.0

course - Early Middle Ages 3.0

course - Late Middle Ages 3.0

course - Italian Renaissance 3.0

course - Reformation: Age of Turmoil 3.0

course - European Expansion 3.0

course - Age of Enlightnmnt 3.0

course - Nineteeth-Century Europe 3.0

course - Europe Since 1914 3.0

course - History of the Mediterranean Sea 3.0

course - Euro Revolutions Since 1500 3.0

course - History of Film, Radio, & TV 3.0

course - History of Ideas 3.0

course - Strategy in Peace and War 3.0

course - Fascism & Nazism, 1914-present 3.0

course - Jews & Holocaust 3.0

course - Mod. American Warfare Studies 3.0

course - Terrorism and Counterterrorism 3.0

course - European Women's History 3.0

course - Family in Europe 3.0

course - Pre-Modern Britain 3.0

course - Modern Britain 3.0

course - France 3.0

course - Spain 3.0

course - History of Mexico 3.0

course - Modern Italy 3.0

course - Modern Germany 3.0

course - Urban History Brazil 3.0

course - Russian Empire Under Romanovs 3.0

course - Soviet & Post-Soviet Russia 3.0

course - Scandinavian Hist 3.0

course - Hist Ottoman Empire 3.0

course - History of Ancient Iraq 3.0

course - Crusades 3.0

course - S Africa Liberation 3.0

course - Pre-modern Korea 3.0

course - Modern Korea 3.0

course - African Social Change 3.0

course - Traditional China 3.0

course - China Since 1200 3.0

course - The Mongol Empire 3.0

course - Early Japan 3.0

course - Modern Japan 3.0

course - Islam in Africa 3.0

course - Chinese Cultural History 3.0

course - Modern South East Asia 3.0

course - Asian Religion & Thought 3.0

course - History of Argentina 3.0

course - Brazil 3.0

course - Indian in Latin Am 3.0

course - Gender & History in Latin Amer 3.0

course - Inter-American Relations 3.0

course - American West to 1900 3.0

course - American West Since 1900 3.0

course - US Immigration History 3.0

course - Spanish Frontier in North Amer 3.0

course - American South 3.0

course - Slavery in Africa & Atlantic 3.0

course - Slavery in the U.S. 3.0

course - Sport, Society, & Am Culture 3.0

course - History of Travel & Tourism 3.0

course - Early America 3.0

course - Revolutionary Amer 3.0

course - Civil War Era 3.0

course - US Hist, 1890-1945 3.0

course - J Smith in Mormon History 3.0

course - US Hist, 1945-2000 3.0

course - Growing Up in America 3.0

course - History of American Families 3.0

course - US Religious History to 1860 3.0

course - US Religious Hist Since 1860 3.0

course - Mormonism Am Exper 3.0

course - African-American History 1865-Present 3.0

course - US Women's History 3.0

course - Latinos in the United States 3.0

course - Am Indian Hist to 1877 3.0

course - Am Indian Hist 1877-present 3.0

course - Mormonism Amg Chrstn Theol 3.0

course - The Vietnam War 3.0

course - US Constitutnl His 3.0

course - US Foreign Relations 3.0

course - Hist Narrative: Wrtg Wkshp 3.0

course - US Historical Literacies 3.0

course - American Capitalism 3.0

course - Democratic Class Design 3.0

course - Public History 3.0

course - Topical Readings Seminar 3.0

course - Philosophies Hist 3.0

course - Directed Research - You may take once 3.0

course - Directed Readings - You may take once 0.5v

Requirement 5 — Complete 2 Courses

course - Global Environment 3.0

course - Geography & World Affairs 3.0

Requirement 6 — Complete 1 of 2 Courses

Note: Students planning to teach in the state of Utah should take Geog 245.

course - Geography of Utah 3.0

course - US and Canada 3.0

Requirement 7 — Complete 1 Course

course - Amer Government & Politics 3.0

Requirement 8 — Complete 1 of 2 Courses

course - Comparative Governmnt&Politics 3.0

course - Intro International Politics 3.0

Requirement 9 — Complete 1 Course

course - Introductory Sociology 3.0

Requirement 10 — Complete 1 of 25 Courses

Complete 1 course in cultural anthropology or archaeology. Courses outside this list must have pre-approval.

course - Social/Cultural Anthropology 3.0

course - Intro to Archaeology 3.0

course - Biological Anthropology 3.0

course - Language, Culture, & Society 3.0

course - Museums & Cultures 3.0

course - Intercultural Communication 3.0

course - The Hmong Diaspora 3.0

course - Andean South America 3.0

course - Peoples of Africa 3.0

course - Peoples of India 3.0

course - Cinema & Culture in India 3.0

course - Peoples of the Middle East 3.0

course - Ethnonationalism and SE Asia 3.0

course - Korean Culture 3.0

course - American Culture 3.0

course - Anthropology of Mormonism 3.0

course - Contemporary Japan 3.0

course - Arch Cultures of N America 3.0

course - Arch Mesoamerica 3.0

course - Archaeology of Egypt 3.0

course - Arch of Ancient Aegean & Greece 3.0

course - Arch of Roman Civilization 3.0

course - Near Eastern Archaeology 3.0

course - Archaeology of Islam 3.0

course - Archaeology of Europe 3.0

Requirement 11 — Complete 2 Requirements

Requirement 11.1 — Complete 1 Course

course - Psychological Science 3.0

Requirement 11.2 — Complete 1 of 8 Courses

course - History of Psychology 3.0

course - Human Dev: Life Span 3.0

course - Develpmntl Psych: Adolescence 3.0

course - Sport Psychology 3.0

course - Personality 3.0

course - Psychopathology 3.0

course - Intro to Positive Psychology 3.0

course - Intro to Social Psychology 3.0

Requirement 12 — Complete 2 Requirements

NOTE: ECON 110 cannot double-count toward requirements 12.1 and 12.2. HIST 398 cannot double-count toward requirements 12.1 and 4.

Requirement 12.1 — Complete 1 of 2 Courses

course - Econ Principles & Problems 3.0

course - American Capitalism 3.0

Requirement 12.2 —Complete 1 of 3 Courses

course - Econ Principles & Problems 3.0

course - Personal Finance 3.0

course - Family Finance 3.0

Requirement 13 — Complete 2 Requirements

Professional Education Component:

Licensure Requirements: Contact the Education Advisement Center, 350 MCKB, 801-422-3426, to schedule the exit interview to clear your application for the secondary teaching license. You should be registered for your last semester at BYU prior to the scheduled appointment.

NOTE: Admittance to the major is required BEFORE enrolling in HIST 477 and 478. HIST 477 and 478 must be taken concurrently.

Requirement 13.1 — Complete 6 Courses

course - Educ Stdnts w/Disablts in ScEd 2.0

course - Teach Tech Soc Studies 3.0

course - Hist & Soc Sci Tchng Methods 3.0

course - Practicum in Secondary Educ 1.0

course - Multi Cult Ed for Sc Ed 3.0

course - Ad Dev & Class Mgmt 3.0

Requirement 13.2 — Complete 12 hours

Apply for student teaching/internship one semester in advance by September 15th or January 15th. Applications are online at

course - Student Teaching - HT and SST - You may take up to 12.0 credit hours 1.0v

course - Acad Internship--HT and SST - You may take up to 12.0 credit hours 12.0

Note: It is the student's responsibility to be sure that the Praxis test has been taken and that BYU has received the test scores, that their fingerprint background clearance is current, and that state licensing fees have been paid prior to graduation. Students are strongly discouraged from working another job during the time of their student teaching/internship. In addition, students must pass the PPAT assessment to graduate and receive a teaching license. Students will also be responsible for any additional requirements imposed by the state prior to their graduation. To confirm the status of these requirements contact the Education Advisement Center, 350 MCKB, 801-422-3426. Graduation and Utah licensure cannot be processed until these requirements have been completed.