Family, Home, and Social Sciences
College of Family, Home, and Social Sciences
The College of Family, Home, and Social Sciences is composed of departments that study patterns of human behavior from diverse disciplinary approaches. Teaching and scholarship rely on social science methodology to learn about human behavior and human societies — their histories, organization, governments, and economies. As the name implies, the college is particularly concerned with studying the family as the basic unit of society. The many institutes and centers within the college provide opportunities for faculty and students to further research and disseminate scholarship. Students in the college gain a broad education that helps develop an appreciation of the values of modern civilization and prepares them to contribute effectively as citizens. The knowledge and skills gained in the varied disciplines prepare them well for graduate study and professional careers. Many of the departments and programs housed within the college provide opportunities for student learning outside the classroom through internships and faculty-mentored teaching and research experiences.
Dean: Laura Padilla Walker
Associate Dean: Mikaela Jean Dufur
Associate Dean: Niwako Yamawaki
Associate Dean: Jeffery Nokes
Assistant Dean: Joseph A Olsen
Assistant Dean: Danny Damron
Assistant Dean: Jordan Karpowitz
Assistant Dean/Controller: Mike Bridenbaugh
Contact Information:
990 KMBL
Advisement Center:
1041 JFSB
Liberal Arts Advisement and Careers
Sherami Jara, Director
1041 JFSB
Our advisors help students chart an integrated academic and career course through college. Upon graduation, our students should be prepared to connect their education to a fulfilling and successful future. Our services include counseling for specific majors, counseling for a career, and monitoring students’ progress toward graduation.
Degrees Offered
Bachelor's, master's, and doctoral degrees are offered in the college. See the individual department and program listings in this catalog for specific degrees offered and the requirements for each.
Scholarships and Awards
Scholarships and awards are available to qualified students. Applications may be obtained from the Financial Aid Office, A-141 ASB. See department and college websites for their scholarships.
Family and Social Service Internships
Karen Christensen, Director
945 SWKT
Staff members in the Family and Social Service Internships Office assist students in the School of Family Life, Psychology, and Sociology in finding and successfully completing an internship to enhance their undergraduate education. Academic credit for internships is offered through the individual departments.
FHSS Writing Lab
Joyce Adams, Director
1049 JFSB
Writing advisors in the FHSS Writing Lab offer discipline-specific tutoring in writing for FHSS students. They help students become better writers by focusing on the global aspects of writing, such as thesis construction, organization, transitions, idea development, logical coherence, style, and argument clarity.
Family Studies Center
Sarah Coyne, Director
The Family Studies Center is dedicated to research that identifies characteristics associated with strong marriages and families, the processes by which they develop, and positive individual and relationship outcomes of healthy family relationships. Historically, the Family Studies Center has supported funding for research on family relationships (e.g., the Flourishing Families Project), conferences on cutting-edge family topics (e.g., families and health; work and families), and outreach activities (e.g., "Families Under Fire" conference). Currently, to achieve Center goals, three main initiatives are being supported.
First, the Center is supporting the Couple Relationships and Transition Experiences (CREATE) research study. The CREATE study is planned to tap a national sample of early married couples, and to include unique measures of relationship functioning in context of transitions and stressors across time. Several BYU faculty members are investigators in that study.
Second, the Center is supporting the Project MEDIA (Media Effects on the Development of Infants through Adulthood) research study. This study will examine the long-term impact of exposure to different types of media on various child outcomes and will specifically examine the role of parents and families in mitigating any negative media effects. The study will also examine how families use media in positive ways to strengthen and augment relationships.
Third, the Center is supporting the development of advanced methods to be used in analyzing data that can provide answers to questions about family relationships. As part of this initiative the Center hosts a lunch-time methods workshop twice a month where faculty or guests will present on research methods used with family data. Faculty members and students from across the University that are interested in studying family relationships are invited to attend.
Museum of Peoples and Cultures
Paul Stavast, Director
2201 North Canyon Road, Provo
122 B67
Educational Opportunities. Museum staff work with faculty throughout the University to provide in-depth, hands-on learning experiences not only in the museum's exhibitions and laboratories, but also in classrooms across campus. Additionally, classes in museum practices designed to provide students with practical experience are taught by the museum's staff in connection with the Anthropology department (see listings in the Anthropology section of this catalog). The museum also employs students each semester to assist in collections work, education and outreach, exhibition development, among other duties. The museum welcomes volunteers to assist in collection, educational, and promotional work.
Anthropological Collections and Research Opportunities. Museum collections comprise over 7,000 collections (consisting of over 2 million specimens and objects) of prehistoric and ethnographic artifacts from various parts of the world. The majority of holdings are from the American Southwest, Mesoamerica, Polynesia, ancient Peru, and the Great Basin (especially Utah Valley). The museum also cares for an extensive collection of documents and images related to BYU archaeological research. The museum encourages students to inquire about research possibilities using its collections.
General admission is free at the Museum of Peoples and Cultures. Guided tours are available for a nominal fee and can be scheduled by calling the museum.