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International Development (Minor)

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Minimum Credit Hours


Maximum Credit Hours


Program Requirements

No double-counting courses within the different areas of this minor is allowed.

Because the International Development minor is interdisciplinary, it is critical that students are exposed to multiple disciplinary perspectives and methods as they address the larger topic of international development. Thus, no more than 6 credit hours from any one discipline can be counted toward fulfillment of the minor. The one exception to this is IAS credits through IAS 220, 380R, 397R, or 399R. Counting the required IAS 220, no more than 12 hours of IAS credit can count toward the minor.

Requirement 1 — Complete 1 Course

course - Intro Devel Stu 3.0

Requirement 2 — Complete 2 of 9 Courses

course - Econ Development & Growth 3.0

course - Ed, Poverty & Community Dev 3.0

course - International Health 3.0

course - Social Impact 3.0

course - African Politics 3.0

course - Political Econ of Development 3.0

course - Intrnl Political Econ of Women 3.0

course - Intl Agricultural Development 3.0

course - Soc of International Develpmnt 3.0

Requirement 3 — Complete 9 hours

Courses counted above do not double count here.

Option 3.1 — Complete 9 hours

course - Medical Anthropology 3.0

course - Applied Anthropology 3.0

course - Issues in Global Communication 3.0

course - Econ Development & Growth 3.0

course - Economic Development 3.0

course - Economic Growth 3.0

course - International Monetary Theory 3.0

course - Intro International Dev Ed 3.0

course - Ed, Poverty & Community Dev 3.0

course - Ed Policy in Develpg Countries 3.0

course - Fndtns of Multicultural Educ 3.0

course - World Literatures in English - You may take once 3.0

course - Global Environment 3.0

course - Middle & South America 3.0

course - Middle East 3.0

course - East Asia 3.0

course - Southeast Asia 3.0

course - Africa South of the Sahara 3.0

course - Global Conservatn Designations 3.0

course - Modern Africa 3.0

course - Foundations of Public Health 3.0

course - Environmental Health 3.0

course - Refugee & Migrant Health 3.0

course - Injury & Violence Prevention 3.0

course - Women's Health 3.0

course - International Health 3.0

course - Academic Internship: Hlth Prom - You may take once 0.5v

course - Academic Internship: EH/OH - You may take once 0.5v

course - Academic Internship: Hlth Sci - You may take once 0.5v

course - Topics in IAS - You may take up to 3.0 credit hours 0.5v

course - Academic Internship - You may take up to 6.0 credit hours 0.5v

course - Humanities of Latin America 3.0

course - Seminar in the Humanities - You may take once 3.0

MSB 331 - Intro to NP Organizations - This course is no longer available for registration and will count only if you completed it while it was offered. Please see your college advisement center for possible substitutions. 3.0

MSB 332 - Nonprofit Res. Development - This course is no longer available for registration and will count only if you completed it while it was offered. Please see your college advisement center for possible substitutions. 3.0

MSB 333 - Nonprofit Management - This course is no longer available for registration and will count only if you completed it while it was offered. Please see your college advisement center for possible substitutions. 3.0

MSB 334 - Grant Writing - This course is no longer available for registration and will count only if you completed it while it was offered. Please see your college advisement center for possible substitutions. 2.0

course - Social Impact 3.0

course - International Nutrition 3.0

course - Experimental Research Methods 3.0

course - Gender and Politics 3.0

course - Southeast Asian Politics 3.0

course - Government & Politics of Asia 3.0

course - African Politics 3.0

course - Middle East Politics 3.0

course - Latin American Politics 3.0

course - Intrnl Political Economy 3.0

course - Ethics & Intl Affairs 3.0

course - International Conflict 3.0

course - Intnl Rel of Devel Countries 3.0

course - Political Econ of Development 3.0

course - Intrnl Political Econ of Women 3.0

course - Civil Wars & Ethnic Violence 3.0

course - Wildlife & Wildland Conservatn 1.0

course - Environmental Biology 3.0

course - Soil Science 3.0

course - Soils Conservation & Resources 3.0

course - Intl Agricultural Development 3.0

course - Evaluation Research 3.0

course - Social Orgnztn & Change 3.0

course - Soc of International Develpmnt 3.0

course - World Populations 3.0

course - Inequality & Society 3.0

course - Global Issues - Chldrn at Risk 3.0

Other courses with the approval of the development coordinator may also count.

We encourage all students to earn 3-6 credit hours by completing an international study abroad (IAS 397R), internship, or field school (IAS 399R) experience that focuses on development. For a list of approved programs that will count toward the minor, or to request approval of a program, contact the International Development minor coordinator.

Note 1: Students must have completed IAS 220 before doing an internship (IAS 399R).

Note 2: Students cannot count both Econ 230 and 431 or Econ 230 and 432. They should choose to take either the 200-level course or the 400-level course.