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Product & User Experience Design (BFA) *

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Design Bachelors BFA

Minimum Credit Hours


Maximum Credit Hours


Major Academic Plan


Design Products

Learning Outcome

Program graduates will: 1- research, synthesize, define, ideate, design, refine, and validate mass-produced products. 2- recognize and apply contemporary methods and materials to product design proposals. 3- organize and present evidence-based research, meaningful product concepts, and final design proposals, compellingly and convincingly.


Effective Use of Technology

Learning Outcome

Program graduates will: 1- Effectively evaluate and use the best tools to organize, prototype, and create product & user experience design. 2- Use design software to construct, evaluate, and design physical and digital product forms, assemblies, and systems 3- Use multiple design software tools to organize and design effective design communication artifacts, systems, and experiences.


Design History & Criticism

Learning Outcome

Program graduates will: 1- Identify and examine the fundamental trends of design history and their relationship to contemporary practice. 2- Investigate, summarize, and present about the artifacts and design principles of notable historical designers. 3- Evaluate and critique the effect of designed products on people, including societal and ecological impacts.


Design Professional Practices

Learning Outcome

Program graduates will: 1- review, examine, and discuss the fundamental elements of design-related professional activities, including business practice, academic research, and personal studio practice.


Structured Creativity

Learning Outcome

Program graduates will: 1- Investigate and synthesize components of marketing, sales, engineering, manufacturing, servicing, and ecological needs and responsibilities and reconcile them with identified user desires and values. 2- Define product-related problems, variables, and requirements; conceptualize and evaluate alternatives; and test and refine solutions.



Learning Outcome

Program graduates will: 1- Practice, compose, and explain product and process concepts and requirements to current and future designers, colleagues, clients, and employers. 2- create both verbal and written communications using both low and high fidelity tools and methods.


Human Centered Products & User Experiences

Learning Outcome

Program graduates will: 1- Review, employ, examine, and assess principles of human psychology, human factors, interfaces, and user experiences while designing physical and digital products and services. 2- Test and evaluate physical and digital products using appropriate methodologies.


Enriching Experiences & Cross-disciplinary Work

Learning Outcome

Program graduates have the option to: 1- Discover and participate in international programs that enrich individual cultural experiences and increase design exposure. 2- Evaluate and participate in undergraduate research endeavors. 3- Investigate and participate in multiple disciplinary courses that relate to or inform product and user experience design such as engineering, business, marketing, art, art history, entrepreneurship, anthropology, ethnography, graphic design, photography, computer science, etc.


Prototyping Lab & Studios

Learning Outcome

Program graduates will demonstrate expertise in using digital and physical labs and studios to prototype and evaluate product designs. To do so, students should have easy access to computer facilities; woodworking, metalworking, and plastics laboratories; libraries with relevant industrial design materials; and appropriate other work facilities related to the major.



Learning Outcome

Program graduates will: 1- Investigate, evaluate, arrange for, and complete one or more internship experiences.


Team Projects

Learning Outcome

Program graduates will: 1- Practice team-based product development activities within the design program. 2- Have the opportunity to create and operate an interdisciplinary team project either through self-generated projects or elective courses.


Portfolio & Capstone

Learning Outcome

Program graduates will: 1- Demonstrate synthesis of their learning by creating a portfolio of their best work; the portfolio should include images and descriptions of their process, and include multiple case studies of major projects that demonstrate their thinking and process. 2- Create and document a major multi-semester capstone project that demonstrates design, testing, prototyping, and where possible product creation, in either digital or physical product and user experiences.

Program Requirements

The Product & User Experience Design BFA program is a limited enrollment program requiring departmental admissions approval. Permission is granted through a portfolio review and interview process. Interested students should declare their pre-major intent, complete the DESPX 115 offered only in Fall and submit an online portfolio of their work at the end of fall semester for the Pre-BFA courses offered Winter and Spring.

Only students granted pre-BFA status are to complete the foundational courses and then may apply for the BFA professional program through a portfolio review in June.

Requirement 1 — Complete 1 Course

Prerequisite course:

course - Intro to Product & UX Design 3.0

Apply for pre-BFA status via portfolio review.

Requirement 2 — Complete 2 Courses

Foundational courses:

course - Product 1 3.0

course - User Experience 1 3.0

Apply to the Product & User Experience Design BFA program via portfolio review

After admission to the major, complete the following:

Requirement 3 — Complete 1 of 2 Options

Based upon your track

Option 3.1 — Complete 8 Courses

User Experience Courses:

course - Typography 1 3.0

course - Design 2 3.0

course - Interaction & Design Systems 3.0

course - Interaction Design 2 3.0

course - User Experience 2 3.0

course - Data Visualization 3.0

course - UX Research Methods 3.0

course - UX Portfolio 3.0

Option 3.2 — Complete 8 Courses

Physical Product Design Courses:

course - Graphics: Brand & Type 3.0

course - Prototyping Process Materials 3.0

course - 3D Modeling Principles 3.0

course - Materials & Processes 3.0

course - Product Design Studio 1 3.0

course - Adv. 3D Modeling 3.0

course - Product Design Studio 2 - Take this course twice 3.0

Requirement 4 — Complete 1 of 3 Options

Option 4.1 — Complete 4 Courses

Digital Product & User Experience Design Capstone (Sandbox):

course - Collab. UX Design: Discovery 0.5

course - Collab. UX Design: Research 3.0

course - Collab. UX Design: Implement - Take this course twice 3.0

Option 4.2 — Complete 4 Courses

Innovation (Crocker):

course - Collaborative Design Projects - Take this course twice 1.5

course - Innovation Practicum 3.0

course - Commercializing Innovation 3.0

Option 4.3 — Complete 2 Course

Product Design (take this course twice):

course - Product Design Studio 3 - Take this course twice 4.5

Requirement 5 — Complete 1 hour

History & Critical Studies Courses:

course- Design Lecture Series - Take this course twice 0.5

History & Critical Studies Courses:

Requirement 6 — Complete 1 of 2 Options

Option 6.1 — Complete 4 Courses

course - World Civilization to 1500 3.0

course - World Civilization Since 1500 3.0

course - Design Theory 3.0

course - History of Products 3.0

Option 6.2 — Complete 2 Requirements

Requirement 6.2.1 — Complete 3 Courses

course - Design Theory 3.0

course - History of Philosophy 1 3.0

course - History of Philosophy 2 3.0

Requirement 6.2.2 — Complete 1 of 3 Courses

course - History of Graphic Desgn 3.0

course - History of Products 3.0

course - Design Psychology 3.0

Requirement 7 — Complete 1 Course

Career & Business Courses:

course - Professional Practice 2.0

Requirement 8 — Complete 1 hour

course - Academic Internship - You may take once 6.0v

Requirement 9 — Complete 13 hours


course - Field Study - 2.0

course - Special Topics - You may take up to 6.0 credit hours 6.0v

course - Directed Studies 0.5v

Physical Product Design:

course - Prototyping Process Materials 3.0

course - 3D Modeling Principles 3.0

course - Materials & Processes 3.0

course - Product Design Studio 1 - You may take once 3.0

course - Adv. 3D Modeling 3.0

Digital User Experience and Visual Design:

course - Typography 1 3.0

course - Interaction Design 1 3.0

course - Interaction Design 2 3.0

course - User Experience 2 3.0

course - Data Visualization 3.0

Motion & Visual Design:

course - Motion Concepts 3.0

course - 3D Motion 3.0

course - Typography 1 3.0

course - Design 2 3.0

course - Motion Design 3.0

User Experience Research:

course - UX Research Methods 3.0

course - Design Psychology 3.0

course - Design Evaluation 3.0


course - New Venture LaunchPad - You may take once 3.0

course - Rapid Prod Innovation 1.5

course - Ideation & Team Formation 1.5

course - SW PM Lecture Series - You may take once 0.5

course - Product Lecture Series 1.0

Students can be placed on probationary status for the following: 1) Inadequate academic performance, 2) Unprofessional attitude and lack of commitment, 3) BYU Honor Code violations.