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Asian Studies: Japan Studies (BA)

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Minimum Credit Hours


Maximum Credit Hours


Major Academic Plan


Factual Knowledge

Learning Outcome

Students demonstrate general factual knowledge of the literature humanities history politics economics geography and social conditions of East Asia. The courses that are the foundation for this knowledge are the core courses in the major: Asian 200 Intro to Asin Studies: Methods and Materials; Asin 342 Asian Literary Traditions; History 231 Introduction to East Asian History; either IHum 241 Humanities of Asia or IHum 243 Introduction to the Humanities of South Asia; and either Poli 348


Language Proficiency

Learning Outcome

A graduate can communicate in Japanese at the "intermediate" level according to ACTFL proficiency guidelines-i.e. "handle successfully a variety of uncomplicated communicative tasks in straightforward social situations . . . limited to those predictable and concrete exchanges necessary for survival." Comprehend "simple sentence-length speech . . . in a variety of basic personal and social contexts." Read "short non-complex texts that convey basic information and deal with basic personal and social topics."


Effective Writing

Learning Outcome

Students demonstrate effective writing skills by completing a research paper under the mentorship of an Asian Studies faculty member on a major East Asian topicas required in Asian 495 the Senior Seminar.


Research Philosophies and Methodologies

Learning Outcome

Understanding basic research philosophies and methodologies associated with research in the social science and humanitiesas required in Asian 495 the Senior Seminar. This builds on the skills taught in Asian 200 Introduction to Asian Studies.

Program Requirements

Courses cannot be double counted between the different requirement sections in the major.

Requirement 1 — Complete 3 Courses

course - Intr Asian Studies 3.0

course - Asian Lit Trads 3.0

course - Intro to East Asian History 3.0

Requirement 2 — Complete 1 of 2 Courses

course - Humanities of East Asia 3.0

course - Humanities of South Asia 3.0

Requirement 3 — Complete 1 of 2 Courses

course - Government & Politics of Asia 3.0

course - Intrntl Relations of Asia 3.0

Requirement 4 — Complete 2 Courses

course - Early Japan 3.0

course - Modern Japan 3.0

Requirement 5 — Complete 1 Course

course - Senior Seminar 1.0

Requirement 6 — Complete 2 Requirements

Upon completion of Requirement 6, students may be eligible to earn a language certificate in Japanese by taking the OPI and WPT assessments. For full details and to register for the language certificate see:

Requirement 6.1 — Complete 2 Courses

course - Advanced 1: Current Events 3.0

course - Japanese Culture 3.0

Requirement 6.2 — Complete 1 of 3 Courses

course - Advanced Japanese: Modern Lit 3.0

course - Lit in Tran: 17th-19th Century 3.0

course - Lit in Translation: Modern Era 3.0

Note: Only Japan 321 can be double counted as an elective.

Requirement 7 — Complete 15 hours

Requirement 7.1 — Complete up to 6 hours

course - Peoples of India 3.0

course - Ethnonationalism and SE Asia 3.0

course - Chinese Culture & Society 3.0

Requirement 7.2 — Complete up to 6 hours

course - Asian Art Survey 3.0

course - Japanese Art & Architecture 3.0

Requirement 7.3 — Complete up to 6 hours

course - Chinese Film in Translation 3.0

course - Chin Lit inTranslation--Poetry 3.0

course - Chin Lit inTranslation-Prose 3.0

course - Chinese Culture - You may take once 3.0

course - Chinese Philosophy 3.0

course - Classical & Literary Chinese 3.0

course - Classical & Literary Chinese 3.0

course - Modern Chinese Literature 3.0

course - Contemporary Chinese Liter 3.0

Requirement 7.4 — Complete up to 6 hours

course - East Asia 3.0

course - Southeast Asia 3.0

Requirement 7.5 — Complete up to 6 hours

course - Pre-modern Korea 3.0

course - Modern Korea 3.0

course - Traditional China 3.0

course - China Since 1200 3.0

course - Chinese Cultural History 3.0

course - Modern Southeast Asia 3.0

course - Asian Religion & Thought 3.0

Requirement 7.6 — Complete up to 6 hours

course - Advanced 1: Current Events 3.0

course - Advanced Japanese: Modern Lit 3.0

course - Lit in Tran: 8th-16th Century 3.0

course - Lit in Tran: 17th-19th Century 3.0

course - Lit in Translation: Modern Era 3.0

course - Intro to Classical Japanese 3.0

course - Toward Superior Japanese: Lit 3.0

Requirement 7.7 — Complete up to 6 hours

course - Sino-Korean Character Workshop 3.0

course - Select Rdngs of Modern Korean 3.0

course - Korean Literature to 1900 3.0

course - Korean Culture 3.0

course - North Korean Lang. & Culture 2.0

course - Classical Korean (Hanmun) 3.0

course - Korean Literature after 1900 3.0

Requirement 7.8 — Complete up to 4 hours

course - World Music Cultures 3.0

course - Balinese Gamelan - You may take once 1.0

Requirement 7.9 — Complete up to 6 hours

course - Southeast Asian Politics 3.0

course - Government & Politics of Asia 3.0

course - China: Government & Politics 3.0

course - Intrntl Relations of Asia 3.0

course - Chin Foreign Polcy 3.0

Requirement 7.10 — Complete up to 5 hours

course - Survey of Eastern Religions 2.0

course - World Populations 3.0

Note: If approved beforehand, up to 9 credit hours of international coursework may be completed through study abroad, internships, mentored research, or independent field studies.