CE 361

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Introduction to Transportation Engineering

Civil and Construction Engineering Ira A. Fulton College of Engineering

Course Description

Transportation system characteristics, traffic engineering and operation, transportation planning, geometric design, pavement design, transportation safety, freight, public transport, sustainable transportation.

When Taught

Fall and Winter









Other Prerequisites

Stat 201 may be taken concurrently. Freshman/sophomore core (CCE 112 or CCE 113, CCE 201, CCE 214, CCE 231) should be completed before taking any CE 300-level courses.



Learning Outcome

1. Understand the history of the development of transportation in the United States and asses how transportation modes and networks available in a community significantly influence the way the community develops.


Systems Perspective

Learning Outcome

2. Approach transportation problems, especially traffic congestion on highways, from a systems point of view, as an interaction between land use and transportation systems, not just as the problem related to highways. This competency is all inclusive, including public transportation, freight, and sustainability.


Traffic Stream Characteristics

Learning Outcome

3. Conduct activities to measure traffic stream characteristics (volume, speed, and density) and analyze field data to estimate values for traffic stream parameters, including hypothesis tests.


Traffic Flow Model

Learning Outcome

4. Analyze a standard traffic flow model (i.e., Greenshields Model) for observed traffic data and understand the randomness of traffic flow characteristics.


Level of Service

Learning Outcome

5. Understand the concept of level of service (LOS) and capacity and evaluate the performance of basic roadway segments using standard procedures based on this concept.



Learning Outcome

6. Understand the four steps in the traditional travel demand modeling process, analyze the two-way relationship between land use and transportation, and evaluate how the travel demand modeling fits into the transportation-planning process.


Safety Evaluation

Learning Outcome

7. Understand the highway safety improvement program and standard safety evaluation parameters and be able to calculate crash rates and determine critical crash locations.


Safety in Design

Learning Outcome

8. Understand the dynamic interaction of the driver, roadway, and vehicle, and evaluate and design roadway sections for safe stopping sight distance.


Geometric Design

Learning Outcome

9. Determine key dimensions of horizontal and vertical alignments of roadway sections using safe stopping sight distance and superelevation.


Intersection Design

Learning Outcome

10. Determine when an intersection warrants the installation of a traffic signal, design signal settings for intersections so that drivers will not face a dilemma zone, and understand that congestion and associated delays are societal costs.


(2) Pavement Design and Data

Learning Outcome

11. Understand pavement structures and their characteristics and design bituminous pavements using the AASHTO method that requires knowledge of traffic engineering, pavement material characteristics, and economics.